Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Start "Only Lebnane"

I call this A Start just to tell you how I decided to call myself "Only Lebnane". You see in Lebanon you can never be Only Lebnane, you have to be something to someone, in other words you have to labeled. Now we have too many labels in Lebanon, let me give you a small list hopping I can put most of them:
1. By religion: Muslim, Christian.
2. By Sect: Suni, She3e, Durzi, Roum, Marouneh, and many others that are from within anyone of these.
3. By a Political Party: Hizbullah, Musta2bal, 2uwat, Takadumeh, and many more.....
4. By Area: South, North, East, West and in each one you are a combination of the above.
5. Now the good part: Combinations of these above mentioned have rules, so a Suni can decide in few combinations and not others, same cause for the area or sect or religion or you name it.

Now we come back to me, "Only Lebnane" OH wait I forgot to tell you that these combinations are also related to countries, Iran, Syria, USA, France, KSA, even Israel and more well not a lot more but more. So me; Over the years and I am above 35, I have tried to belong to a movement or a party that I can say in it I am a Lebanese guy not a combination. A guy who lived the civil war, Israeli war(s) and many other wars and conflicts I decided I do not want to be a combination. You see if I am not a combination then I have to sacrifice major things in Lebanon, things that come from being a combination. Work, power, support from power people, an easy way to solve some problems (wasta for those familiar) and many other benifits. So I decided I do not want these and not want to be a combination.

OK, now I am not that perfect I know that and you readers if any are not naive, but let me tell you this. I have worked for the community for years hopping that I or we as a group of dreamers can have a small group of the generation to believe that we can be "Only Lebnane" but after a number of good years I found out this: "In soul and in blood we die for you ........" said by many of whom we worked with. Kids from the age of 7 till 18 we worked with and the end they are combinations like their parents. This is what Lebanese Leaders GOD SAVE THEM teaches.

So I was back to square one a combination of people, generations will be combinations, a few remain dreaming as I will. If any Lebanese guy or girl read this, please think of one thing only what did you benefit from being a combination?????

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